Weight Gain and Depression: Is there a Link?

Weight Gain and Depression

In honor of May as Mental Health Awareness Month, we at EVEXIA MEDICAL would like to share the link between weight gain and depression. How many people are dealing with Weight Gain and Depression? Depression is a prevalent mental health condition in the United States and affects more that 21 million adults annually. According to […]

Fatty Liver Disease and Obesity

Fatty Liver Disease & Obesity

Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) is caused by a buildup of fat in the liver, “steato-” meaning “fat”.  Fatty liver disease is a progressive condition that can lower life expectancy. Obesity is the most common risk factor for MASLD MASLD used to be called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD, and you may still […]

6 Tips To Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

The holidays are a time when friends, families and colleagues gather to celebrate — and eat! Indulgent meals, heaping portions, holiday parties… it’s no surprise the festive season presents even more challenges to maintain a healthy lifestyle than throughout the rest of the year. Busy schedules lead to less sleep and make it even more […]

Ozempic®, Mounjaro®, or Wegovy®? Perhaps None.

Wegovy, Ozempic or Mounjaro

It was hard to ignore Jimmy Kimmel at his Academy Awards opening monologue…. [“When I look around this room, everybody looks great, I can’t help but wonder ‘Is Ozempic® right for me?’”] Ozempic, Mounjaro and Wegovy have become the new weight loss craze. Celebrity spotlights and social media trends promise quick, dramatic, and almost effortless […]

Zepbound®: New Weight Loss Miracle?

Zepbound blog

It’s hard to miss the headlines and excitement – A newly FDA-approved weight loss drug may work better than any of the drugs we have on the market and some claim it is “chemical” bariatric surgery because weight loss results are as powerful and bypass the operating room. What is Zepbound®? In early November, the […]

Should I Start Weight Loss Medication?

Here’s the truth— Losing weight permanently is frustrating because obesity is a complex and relapsing medical problem—- like high blood pressure or diabetes. There are many biological reasons our body may naturally turn towards weight gain. Risk factors that are out of our control, such as genetics & hormones, or environmental factors related to food […]

Menopause and Weight Gain

Menopause is when your MENstrual cycle PAUSEs—for good. It’s not a disease to be treated, but rather a normal stage of life. Menopause “officially” starts 12-months after your last period. That happens, on average, around the age of 51.   This change doesn’t happen overnight, though. There are usually a few years of the menopausal […]

Obesity: Silent Risk for Heart Disease?

The link between heart disease and obesity is multifaceted. Overweight and obesity are complex, chronic and relapsing diseases causing an estimated 3.4M deaths per year. Currently, more than 73% of US adults have overweight or obesity. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading global cause of death and includes conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels. […]

New Year’s Resolutions: The Dangers of Fad Dieting

Most people ring in the New Year determined to jumpstart their health. The four most common “New Year’s [health] Resolutions” are: Lose Weight, Drink Less, Quit Smoking and Exercise More. Most studies agree that about ¼ of US adults ditch their resolution by the second week of January, nearly 70% abandon it altogether by February, […]

Food for thought? Don’t Lose your Mind

brain chalk drawing and food

Have you ever had trouble remembering something important? Or find that you lose your train of thought? Does that seem to happen more and more often? Science continues to unravel the underlying nature of our brain: What keeps it healthy for longer, and what contributes to cognitive decline (reduced ability to think and remember). The […]