Fresh or Frozen?

Fruits and vegetables are important players in a healthy diet. The recent Dietary Guidelines recommend consuming between 5 and 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. These spotlight-worthy foods provide nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber while adding color, flavor, and texture to meals. So, Is fresh better than frozen? Does frozen […]
Nutrition Myths

Confused about nutrition? Wondering if the latest trend is fake or a fact? There is so much information out there, and much of it is flawed, misinterpreted, or flat-out false. It can be too often a time difficult to identify and sift through these myths to find the real facts. For example, Does eating bread […]
Matcha green tea powder: a superfood worth talking about

Over the past several years, Matcha has become very popular, and is now found in beverage shots, fancy lattes, and creative desserts. Matcha comes from the same plant as green tea. Matcha, however, is grown much differently that other green teas. Its vibrant color comes from the fact that it is grown in the shade. […]
Let’s talk about superfoods…

There is no single food item – Not even a superfood _ that can fulfill the nutritional requirements for a healthy meal. …….Not even a superfood. So, what is all the hype with superfoods? Certain players in the food group deserve special recognition. Research studies over the years have demonstrated that superfoods are high in […]
Let’s talk about processing…

A processed food is one that has undergone changes to its natural state. In other words, any agricultural product subject to cutting, heating, pasteurizing, freezing, or a procedure that alter its state- including the addition of preservatives, flavors, additives such as sugar, salt, fats and so forth. In many ways, processing can be beneficial. Techniques […]
Let’s talk about Fad diets…

Weight-loss advice is everywhere; New “tricks” and “fad diets” are marketed to consumers every day with the promise of elusive weight loss. Rather than improving our health, they can often lead to detrimental effects. Most are Short lived, Unverifiable, Difficult to sustain, and mostly lead to weight regain quite quickly to the starting weight or […]
Let’s Talk about Sleep: Is there a relationship with weight?

Sleep plays a key role in your health. One study linked insufficient sleep to an increased risk of obesity by 89% in children and 55% in adults. Other studies conclude that getting less than 7–8 hours per night increases your risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The National Sleep Foundation recommends an […]
Let’s talk about the Set Point…

Simply speaking, the Set Point is the weight a person’s body naturally tends to maintain. It is complex and involves many factors such as genetics, preferences & environment. Anybody who has ever tried to lose weight, may know that often the most difficult part is to keep the weight off. Research suggests that only about […]